Friday, Sat, and Sunday consisted of beer/wine pong (which i won first time ever playing) and lots of drunkeness!
Come time to go to work Monday morning...I woke up to my living room being flipped upside down, my kitchen...well lets just say i couldn't see a single piece of counter space or table space for that fact, My wine is completly gone (by gone i mean my wine/liquor cabinet is empty! WAH!!!), and my fridge was cleaned out! Then, as im walking outstide I open the door and see his cousin asleep on a chair in the garage
You think that would be all they could possibly do to the house right??? NO!... they decided they wanted to camp out!... in my garage! They had tents up, forts built, and all my snacks were gone...AUGH!!! oh well...all in all it was a good time...
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